Traverse Town is really an extension of the tutorial part of this game. It consolidates the player’s understanding of moving and fighting, introduces magic and adds Goofy and Donald to the players team (although they act independently, they support the player in battles).

More of the background story is revealed and we are introduced to characters from the Final Fantasy franchise – particularly VII, VIII and X.

The player moves between three districts of the town. The first district holds an item shop (supervised by Huey, Dewey and Louie) and an accessory shop as well as a few hidden items. On moving to the second district, Sora witnesses a townsperson being attacked by a heartless in armour – a Soldier Heartless – and having his heart removed. Here, Sora also keeps missing Donald and Goofy (although they’ll unite soon enough). The Second District has a hotel, the Gizmo shop and the mansion of the 101 Dalmatians (which forms the basis of an ongoing sidequest throughout the game). In the Third District is a Lady and the Tramp fountain.

The third district is where some of this area’s main action takes place including a fight with Guard Armour. Before this fight, though, players have a fight with Leon, a character from Final Fantasy VIII. It’s a fight where it doesn’t matter if you win or lose (to be honest, it seems far too hard to even get close to winning) as it is merely a precursor to the game revealing more about Sora’s connection to the Keyblade and bringing Final Fantasy characters into the narrative.

A cut scene within this area shows Riku waking up in a mysterious underwater place. A brief glimpse of a hand that looks like it might belong to Hades is all this scene teases us with.

The Guard Armour boss fight is also the game’s first fight alongside Donald and Goofy. I’ll admit to, at this early stage, not quite getting how Donald and Goofy work and what they contribute to battles but I’m sure I will get a better understanding as the game progresses.

After this battle, Sora is taught Fire magic and also how to use the blue Trinity signs dotted around the area (there are also symbols of other colours but these cannot be used yet). Tucked away in a corner of the third district is a door which can be opened with fire magic. This leads to a secret cavern which holds Merlin’s house. Merlin is here and he can help the player practise using magic. The player also meets the Fairy Godmother although, for now, she doesn’t do much in the game.

After gathering up the various freebies, the player can head off through the door to the Gummi ship and the first ‘Disney world’ proper. The player has a choice between Wonderland and the Olympic Coliseum. We are going to visit Wonderland.